Carrot Sambar Recipe

Agueda Madison Reply January 05, 2017
Carrot Sambar Recipe - Oh my dear friends Daily Simply Recipes, I seriously have daily recipes tested, approved, and photographed ready to share here with you. I swear to you I made this Carrot Sambar Recipe, for dinner TONIGHT! I honestly could not wait to share the recipe with you.

Recipes : Carrot Sambar Recipe
How to make a : Carrot Sambar Recipe


Carrot Sambar Recipe

This is another addition to my sambar list. A yummy sambar made using carrots and just taste amazing.This is a sambar recipe which i make occasionally. It taste really really good and this is a kind of thick sambar recipe and goes great with rice, idli, dosa or anything you name it..

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Preparation Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : 30 mins
Serves: 4


Toor Dal / Tuvaram Paruppu - 1/2 cup
Carrot - 2 chopped
Tomato - 1 chopped
Oil - 1 tblspn
Mustard Seeds / Kaduku - 1 tsp
Urad dal / Ulundu Paruppu - 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds / Jeerakam - 1 tsp
Asafoetida / Hing / Kaya Podi - 1/4 tsp
Curry leaves a sprig
Chilli Powder - 1 tsp
Coriander Powder / Malli Podi - 1.5 tblspn
Turmeric Powder / Manjal Podi - 1 tsp
Tamarind - 1 tblspn
Salt to taste
Sugar / Jaggery - 1 tsp
Coriander leaves a handful


Take toor dal, carrot and tomatoes in a pressure cooker. Add water and pressure cook for 2 whistle. Turn off the heat and let the steam go all by itself. Open the cooker and set aside.

Heat oil in a pan, add mustard, urad dal, cumin seeds , curry leaves and asafoetida and let them sizzle.

Add in all the spice powders and mix well.

Add the cooked dal mix and mix well.

Add tamarind juice, more water, salt and sugar and mix well. Bring it to a boil.

Simmer for 10 mins or so.

Add in coriander leaves and mix well.

Serve with rice.

Take toor dal in a pressure cooker

add carrots

add tomatoes

add water and cook

now it is done

heat oil in a pan

add mustard, urad dal, cumin

add asafoetida

add curry leaves

let them sizzle

add turmeric powder

add chilli and coriander

i added some water

mix well and cook till raw smell leaves from this

add the cooked dal with the water

add more water as needed

mix well

add in tamarind juice


sugar and simmer for 10 mins or so


add lots of coriander leaves

mix well


Finished it then ready to serve Carrot Sambar Recipe

I didn't even mention how much the kiddos loved this Carrot Sambar Recipe, I won them over first with the love of them - they were in heaven! And this is definitely a dinner I would happily give out seconds to whoever asked!

What's your favorite takeout Carrot Sambar Recipeto cook at home? Leave your recipe idea in the comment section below, I'd love to hear from you!

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