Butterscotch Pudding Recipe

Agueda Madison Reply January 09, 2017
Butterscotch Pudding Recipe - Oh my dear friends Daily Simply Recipes, I seriously have daily recipes tested, approved, and photographed ready to share here with you. I swear to you I made this Butterscotch Pudding Recipe, for dinner TONIGHT! I honestly could not wait to share the recipe with you.

Recipes : Butterscotch Pudding Recipe
How to make a : Butterscotch Pudding Recipe


Butterscotch Pudding Recipe

This is a delicious pudding, it is pretty easy to make and taste delicious. If you have butterscotch essence in hand then you can add that to this pudding, add some food colouring too..I had the butterscotch mix which gives the flavour and colour as well. You can make them with just few ingredients which you already have on hand.

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This taste amazing when served cold. You can enjoy a piece on those hot summer days and it will satisfy your icecream and sweet craving at the same time. Since it is made using agar agar it is good for kids as well. It cools their body naturally.

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Preparation Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Setting Time : 2 to 4 hours
Serves: 4 to 6


Milk - 2 cups
Sugar - 1/2 cup or to taste
Butterscotch Essence - few drops ( i used butterscotch mix)
Agar Agar / China Grass - 5 to 7 grams
Water - 1/2 cup


Take agar agar in a bowl, add water and let it soak for 10 mins. Now take it in a sauce pan and heat on low heat stiring often till it is completely melted.

Take milk, sugar in a sauce pan and bring it to a boil.

Add butterscotch essence and mix well.

Now add in the agar agar liquid and mix well.

Pour this into moulds and chill in fridge for 2 to 4 hours before slicing.

Slice and serve cold.

Take china grass in a bowl

add water and soak for 10 mins

now take it in a pan

heat till it is melted..Set this aside
take milk in a sauce pan

add sugar

add essence

i added few drops

mix well

bring it to a boil

add in agar agar mix

mix well

pour it into bowls and chill

now it is done

top with sprinkles

slice and serve

Finished it then ready to serve Butterscotch Pudding Recipe

I didn't even mention how much the kiddos loved this Butterscotch Pudding Recipe, I won them over first with the love of them - they were in heaven! And this is definitely a dinner I would happily give out seconds to whoever asked!

What's your favorite takeout Butterscotch Pudding Recipeto cook at home? Leave your recipe idea in the comment section below, I'd love to hear from you!

You are reading a recipe about Butterscotch Pudding Recipe and this recipe permalink is https://dailysimplyrecipes.blogspot.com/2017/01/butterscotch-pudding-recipe.html I hope this recipe is helpful for you.

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