Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling

Agueda Madison Reply January 21, 2017
Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling - Oh my dear friends Daily Simply Recipes, I seriously have daily recipes tested, approved, and photographed ready to share here with you. I swear to you I made this Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling, for dinner TONIGHT! I honestly could not wait to share the recipe with you.

Recipes : Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling
How to make a : Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling


Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling

This is my favourite kind of breakfast. Totally delicious. The omelette has full of flavour and it really packs a punch. Since it has a delicious chicken salami stuffing in it, it taste so yum and so filling too.

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Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you..

Preparation Time :5 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Serves: 1


For Filling:
Oil - 2 tsp
Chicken Salami - 1 cup cubed
Onion - 1 medium sliced thinly
Green Chillies - 1 chopped finely
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Italian seasoning to taste

For Eggs:
Oil - 1 tsp
Eggs - 2
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Italian Seasoning a pinch


Heat oil in a nonstick pan, add chicken salami cubes and saute till golden. Add onions, chillies and saute for another min.

Add in salt, pepper, italian seasoning and mix well. Remove to a bowl

In a bowl, crack eggs, add salt, pepper and italian seasoning. Mix well.

Heat oil in a nonstick tawa, pour the egg and spread evenly.

Now cook on low heat till the egg is cooked on top. Spoon the filling on one side and fold over.


Take your chicken salami slices

cube it

take other ingredients

heat little oil in a pan, add salami pieces

fry till golden

add onions and green chillies

saute for a min 

add in italian seasoning

toss well

season with little salt and pepper

mix well

filling done

crack open two eggs

season with salt and pepper

mix well

add a pinch of italian seasoning

pour it in a oiled heated pan

let it cook on low heat till top is slightly cooked

place the filling in

fold and serve

Finished it then ready to serve Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling

I didn't even mention how much the kiddos loved this Omelette with Chicken Salami Filling, I won them over first with the love of them - they were in heaven! And this is definitely a dinner I would happily give out seconds to whoever asked!

What's your favorite takeout Omelette with Chicken Salami Fillingto cook at home? Leave your recipe idea in the comment section below, I'd love to hear from you!

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