No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe

Agueda Madison Reply December 16, 2016
No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe - Oh my dear friends Daily Simply Recipes, I seriously have daily recipes tested, approved, and photographed ready to share here with you. I swear to you I made this No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe, for dinner TONIGHT! I honestly could not wait to share the recipe with you.

Recipes : No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe
How to make a : No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe


No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe

I love granola bars. I have recently started making it. I have already shared a honey and nut flavour and this one is a coconut and cranberry flavour. Will soon share other variations of this recipe as well.

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This is a no bake recipe and it taste fantastic. It is crisp and chewy at the same time. Love it. I loved the flavour of coconut and the taste of cranberries together. My next mission is to make a chocolate granola bar and a peanut butter granola bar.

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Preparation Time : 5 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Makes: 10 squares


Rolled Oatmeal or Instant Oats - 1 cup

Brown Sugar - 1/2 cup
Coconut Oil-  2 tblspn
Water - 2 tblspn
Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Dessicated Coconut - 1/2 cup
Cranberries - 1/2 cup

(My 1 cup measures 240 ml)

Buy Rolled Oats, Brown Sugar, cranberries and coconut



Take a pan, line with parchment paper or foil and grease it lightly with oil or butter. Set aside.

In a dry pan, add oats and toast them for 2 mins. Remove them to the plate as well.

Now in the same pan, take brown sugar, coconut oil and water and mix them well. Bring it to a boil.

Now boil this for 1 min.

Now take it off the heat, add vanilla and salt. Mix well.

Add cranberries and coconut and mix well

Add in oats and mix well.

Spoon this in the prepared pan and smooth the top.

Set this in fridge for 30 mins.

Now remove it and slice.

Serve or store it in a air tight container.

take all your ingredients

I am using instant oats. Toast them till lightly toasted

now it is well toasted

remove to a bowl

now in the same pan, take brown sugar

add coconut oil

mix well

add water

let it bubble up

add salt

add vanilla

add cranberries

add coconut

add oatmeal

mix well

now it is nicely combined

spoon it into the parchment lined baking pan

smooth the top

pop this in fridge for 30 mins or so

remove it

slice it into bars


Finished it then ready to serve No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe

I didn't even mention how much the kiddos loved this No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipe, I won them over first with the love of them - they were in heaven! And this is definitely a dinner I would happily give out seconds to whoever asked!

What's your favorite takeout No Bake Coconut & Cranberry Granola Bars Recipeto cook at home? Leave your recipe idea in the comment section below, I'd love to hear from you!

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